If you experience a dental emergency, call Remington Family Dental at 406-655-4210 as soon as possible. Prompt treatment is essential for many dental emergencies to ensure the best possible outcome. Our dentists and team offer same-day emergency care and will make every effort to see you quickly and help restore your oral health and smile.
Dental emergencies include any situation that requires immediate dental attention to prevent further damage or complications.
Emergency Dental Services Treat:
- Knocked-out teeth
- Chipped or broken teeth
- Cracked or fractured teeth
- Soft tissue injuries (to the tongue, cheeks, lips, gums, etc.)
- Partially dislodged teeth
- Lost or damaged restorations (fillings, crowns, etc.)
- Severe toothaches or persistent dental pain
When you contact our office, we will arrange for you to be seen as soon as possible and provide instructions on how to manage your situation until you arrive. We understand that emergencies can happen at inconvenient times, and our team is committed to accommodating your needs.
If you have sustained head or neck trauma or any serious injury that affects your overall health or is life-threatening, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately, even if you also have dental damage. Once you have received medical attention, we are here to help you regain your oral health, function, and smile.
Contact us to learn more about emergency dental care in Billings, Montana, or to schedule an emergency appointment with our dentists.